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Year 6 Weekly Review (wb. 27.1.25)


Somehow, we now have just two weeks left of the Spring 1 term. It has been another busy week with trips to Greensward, exciting writing and sports star visitors! Here is a review of the week.

SCIENCE DAY AT GREENSWARD: Both classes showed off their science knowledge on Thursday as we spent the day at Greensward learning all about the heart and lungs. The children's behaviour was exemplary as they took part in investigations, created models of the lungs and worked through an information booklet. Photos on Dojo now! JOE HART VISIT: The children enjoyed the visit of Joe Hart today, who spoke about his sports journey, sharing the challenges he has faced and how he is overcome it. The children came away inspired by his story and tired after the circuit workout they completed! More photos on Dojo! Next Week: 6/2/25 - Police Visitor - we have some members of police coming into school to talk to children about careers and their responsibilities in the community.

Spellings: unnatural










Have a lovely weekend! Mr Bird and Mr Wade


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