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Year 6 Update

C Wade

Dear parents and carers,

We have been extremely impressed by the children's focus and desire to do well in their recent SATs preparation and revision sessions. It has been lovely to hear about the pride and efforts children are taking in their revision at home too - SATs Companion use is up, arithmetic scores are being impacted by work from home (with many children having doubled or trebled their scores over recent weeks and months due to their determination to improve) and this sets them up very well to showcase their best week after next.

With just over a week to go, many children have asked if they can take home their school-provided CGP revision workbooks, and as such they will be starting to bring these home daily (please ensure they come to school each day too, as we will be using them for certain focus areas).

In addition, children's latest arithmetic tests give a great insight into areas to work on, and our digital platforms including SATs Companion, Spelling Shed and Google Classroom all have a wealth of ways to revise effectively.

Spellings for next week:

  • shoulder

  • computer

  • superior

  • customer

  • calendar

  • popular

  • particular

  • interior

  • soldier

  • radiator

Thank you for your continued support,

The Year 6 Team


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