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Year 6 Review (8.11.24)


Morning everybody and happy Friday!

An action packed week has kicked off the new term, filled with artwork, visits, Remembrance Day activities and more. Here's how the week has been:

Weekly Review

On Monday/Wednesday, our classes created their final artwork pieces using printing techniques. The children used their vinyl templates they had carved out last time and used them to print 4 unique designs. These turned fantastically and concluded a brilliant art unit! On Tuesday, we had a visit from Southend FC coaches, who took the children for some PSHE sessions. In the sessions, children learnt about the importance of healthy lifestyles and also began to look at the transition from Primary to Secondary school. During Reading lessons this week, the children have been studying WW1 poems - linking to Remembrance Day. The children have shown superb empathy, inference and understanding in these sessions. Yesterday, they used the famous poem "In Flanders Fields" to create a black-out poem; we will share some of these for you on Dojo soon. Next Week:

  • The school celebrates anti-bullying week.

  • Tuesday 12th November is odd-socks day. Wear your most vibrant, opposite socks!

  • Wednesday 13th November is the first of two parents evening days. If you have not already, ensure you have booked in an appointment.

  • Friday 15th November is Children in Need day and also a special "Common Seas" event is taking place! For this event, we are undertaking an art activity using recycled items. Please could you send your child in with a couple of carrier bags for this day - thank you!

Homework and Spellings:

Well done to all those children keeping up their reading over the half term! We have spent the week going through the Mock SATs tests so your children are confident in the areas they need to improve in. Please ensure you are giving your children the opportunity to work on these areas by doing their weekly spelling practice, reading at home 4 times per week and using SATs Companion. This week's spellings are here:

  • vehicle

  • definite

  • harass

  • marvellous

  • relevant

  • appreciate

  • persuade

  • exaggerate

  • stomach

  • communicate

Finally, a big thank you from me for all of the congratulations and well wishes! Baby, mum and I are all loving this new adventure and THANKFULLY, we are all managing to get some sleep too! Have a lovely weekend! Mr Bird & Mr Wade


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