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Year 6 - Greensward Science Visit - Thursday 30th January

C Wade

Dear parents and carers,

With regards to next week's trip mentioned in our weekly update, Year 6 will be visiting Greensward Academy for the day to take part in an exciting day based on our current Science topic of The Circulatory System.

We will be walking to and from Greensward from Westerings, so children are allowed to wear appropriate footwear, and should bring a good coat, for this (approximately) 30 minute walk. Normal school uniform is expected apart from this please.

We are leaving from Westerings at 9:00am, to arrive at Greensward at 9:30am, and will leave Greensward at 2:30pm to arrive back at Westerings around 3:00pm. As such, children should be dropped off and collected as a normal day at Westerings.

The day is sure to be a great enrichment experience for the classes - if you have any questions please don't hesitate to get in touch via the school office.

Kind regards,

Mr Wade & Mr Bird


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