Good morning Year 5, we hope you have had a great week. We are looking forward to welcoming our visitor tomorrow! Please see Miss Goodliffe's post on Dojo regarding sponsorship link and remember sportswear is advised. Next week reminders:
Mon - PE (cross country trials)
Thurs - Mrs Woods and Miss Jackson intervention (invite only)
Spellings next week are words spelled with 'ie' after 'c':
efficient, inefficient, scientists, species, science, glacier, sufficient, emergencies, deficient, ancient
After half term, in our Science lessons, we will be teaching the children about the changes from birth to old age. They will learn about; gestation and life expectancy, the changes that occur during puberty and explore prenatal and antenatal development, stereotypes surrounding old age, sexual and asexual reproduction. This is a topic stated on the National Curriculum for Year 5 children. We will deal with this very sensitively as we know children can find this topic overwhelming. We encourage the children to come home and talk to family about any questions they have but will also answer appropriate questions during lessons. The children have full use of the worry monsters and ask it basket if they don't feel confident speaking in front of their peers.