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Year 5 Weekly Reminders - 10.3.25

Miss Jackson

Good afternoon Year 5! We have had an exciting week, learning about puberty, how we can save the rainforest, square and cube numbers, exploring Rio de Janiero and Sao Paulo.

Today the children took part in World Book Day activities, where they were detectives, solving cipher codes, agility training, writing mystery stories and even a visit from a local author Tessa Buckley. We are really looking forward to the class swap this afternoon where the children will visit younger year groups and read with them before our World Book Day Parade! We will reveal who was behind the mask from our Mask Reader video.

Reminders for next week:

Mon - PE (football/badminton), Usborne book fair after school, Y5/6 mixed netball match (invite only)

Thurs - No intervention before school (invite only, the last session was this morning), Little Havens filming (student council invite only)

Spellings - adverbs:

certainly, definitely, frequently, infrequently, obviously, occasionally, often, probably, possibly, rarely

Doodle Homework:

Maths - Recognise and use square and cube numbers

English - The difference between formal and informal vocabulary


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