Good afternoon all,
As another great half term comes to an end I just wanted to update you on some key (and exciting!) things going on next half term...
Please see attached Spring 2 spellings.
Next half term on Friday 21st March, we will be taking a trip to Call of the Wild Zoo! More details in a follow up letter soon. We will need some parent helpers for this trip so if you are able to offer a helping hand on this date, please let us know via - thank you in advance!
Our topic next half term is 'Terrific Toys', we will be learning about old and new toys. For our first lesson on Friday 28th March, we are hoping to explore and look at some old toys. If you have anything at home (e.g. old fashioned teddies, wooden train sets, wooden toys, porcelain dolls, yoyos, spinning tops, pull along toys, jack-in-the-box etc) we would hugely appreciate it if your child can bring them in on this day.
Thank you so much in advance!
The year 1 team :)