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- Parent helpers, firstly thank you so much! We are planning to leave at 10:30am so if you can come in around 10:15am for group organisation, this would be hugely appreciated.

- Children are to come to school in school shoes as normal but can bring in comfortable footwear (e.g. trainers) to change into for the walk. If you feel their school shoes are suitable enough for walking, they do not need to bring a change of shoes.

- Please ensure your child brings a coat to wear.

- We will be back by 12pm so lunchtime will go ahead as normal (children can still have a school dinner). Parent helpers can depart at this time.

- Children are welcome to bring in a teddy bear and a pot of snacks/treats for our teddy picnic in the afternoon, which will take place on the school grounds.

Thank you for your support with this.

The year 1 team :)


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