Another fantastic week in Year 4 this week with dress rehearsals, arithmetic test, Hot Task writing and more... English: The children have been writing a persuasive report all about protecting our environment from plastic pollution. They have researched, drafted and then written their speeches ready to share next week! There are definitely some eco-warriors in the making in this year group! Maths: We have been continuing to work on telling the time, looking at the difference between analogue and digital clocks, as well as looking at telling the time in 24 hour formats. We also completed our half-termly arithmetic tests which the children did brilliantly in! These will be sent home next week. Curriculum: In Reading, children have continued work on our text Anglo-Saxon Boy by Tony Bradman. In Music, we performed the dress rehearsal for Westerings The Musical. Children and staff were all blown away by the performance and we are now all incredibly excited to perform you all next week! In History, we have been looking at how different genders and classes were treated in the Anglo-Saxon period and their roles within society. Coming Up: - Performances (20.5.24 & 21.5.24) - Greensward Music Day for selected pupils (22.5.24) - Batik Art day (23.5.24) We are looking for parent helpers to support us on our trip to the Food and Farming Festival on Tuesday 25th June. This would be an all day event. If you would like to help out then please email in and let either Miss Dee or I know, we would be really appreciative. Finally, a big thank you to everyone for your congratulations about my news. It is really appreciated and I feel very grateful! Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Bird