Good morning everyone! Another fantastic term comes to an end today and to start this post, Mr Wade and I want to share how immensely proud we both are of our Year 6 pupils. Year 6 is a challenging year but all of our children are rising to that challenge! The effort, enthusiasm and academic progress they are making is fantastic and it has been a joy to see.
Over our final week of term, we have had some amazing experiences and learning opportunities! In music lessons this week, the children have been exploring video game music. Using band lab, they were challenged to create Mario-themed music. In English, we have been writing Christmas themed sonnets, following the 14 line structure to portray the feelings and thoughts the e children have around this time of year. Yesterday, we had our class parties and the children saw the conclusion of the book we have been reading this term. Also, we had some inflatable fun!! Head over to Dojo to see some photos of the children (and some staff…) enjoying the bouncy castles put out for us by the PTA.
There will be no set homework over the Christmas break, however a few challenges from us that you may want to attempt are listed below:
TTRS CHALLENGE: to make sure all of our times tables are efficient and effective, Mr Bird is setting a challenge on TTRS - the child to log the most minutes played over the Christmas break will win a prize!
Reading: can you log 10 reads over the Christmas break? 10 dojos available for every child who does!
Arithmetic: we have sent home the most recent mock arithmetic paper we did with our pupils. On these, we asked the children to circle 3 questions they want to get right next time. Have a go at revising and practising these 3 questions over the Christmas holidays!
Finally, a message to say how grateful all of the Year 6 staff are for the lovely gifts we have received. We all feel extremely grateful and spoiled so thank you! Have a wonderful Christmas holidays and we all looking forward to seeing you back at school on Tuesday 7th January.
Mr Bird & Mr Wade